Summer VISTA Cohort Leader Jayla Bynum reflects on how access to sports from a young age helped guide her to where she is today and where she sees her future. Jayla is a Division-1 athlete at the University of Maryland.
Summer VISTA Spotlight: Andrew
Summer VISTA Spotlight: Cohort Leaders
Summer VISTA Spotlight: Sammy
Summer VISTA Spotlight: Catherine & Jayla
Disability Pride Month: Up2Us VISTA Amelia Volunteers with Adaptive Sports Foundation
Up2Us Sports AmeriCorps Members on LGBTQ+ Pride Month
Each June during Pride Month, Up2Us Sports celebrates and elevates the valuable contributions of our LGBTQ+ coaches, VISTAs, youth, staff and the broader community. We reaffirm our commitment to stand in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community in their ongoing struggle against discrimination and injustice.
Up2Us Sports Celebrates with Service for MLK Day
On Tuesday, January 17, 2023, Up2Us Sports staff and coaches across the country participated in AmeriCorps’ MLK Day of Service. The Up2Us Coach and VISTA programs are funded by AmeriCorps, so it was only fitting that our terrific service members took this day of service and dedicated it to Dr. King’s honor.
National Career Development Month Feature: Brandon Pack
Summer VISTA Chance York: Yoga Saved My Life
Many of our AmeriCorps Summer VISTAs have been playing sports their entire lives. They’ve decided to dedicate their summer to service and give back to the sports community that helped shape them as athletes. Learn how Chance York found yoga in his time of need and is expanding it to communities across the Twin Cities.
Summer VISTA’s Kari, Mikey and Loni: How Coaching Keeps Their Love For Sport Alive
Summer VISTAs Emma and Jamie: What Makes the Miami Marlins Foundation Special
Many of our AmeriCorps Summer VISTAs have been playing sports their entire lives. They’ve decided to dedicate their summer to service and give back to the sports community that helped shape them as athletes. Learn how the VISTAs Emma and Jamie are helping make the Miami Marlins Foundation a special place.