Coach Kassie Dolliole (far left) was recognized by Laureus Sport for Good New Orleans over the weekend at a Tulane Women’s Basketball game.
In celebration of the upcoming 36th Annual National Girls and Women in Sports Day, and with the 50th anniversary of Title IX approaching, Laureus Sport for Good New Orleans presented an opportunity to recognize one individual from local organizations who is focused on an initiative to increase and support girls’ participation in sport. Up2Us Sports’ New Orleans team is pleased to announce that our very own Coach Kassie Dolliole was part of this recognition.
Kassie has been serving as an Up2Us Sports coach since October 2021 at The 18th Ward in New Orleans thanks to support from Volunteer Louisiana. Kassie coaches youth aged 4-12 years old in soccer, basketball, baseball, flag football and track through The 18th Ward, which is a high-quality, low cost sports program for kids regardless of race, gender, income, or neighborhood.
Up2Us Sports’ She Changes the Game initiative is focused on increasing opportunities for women to coach, building the capacity of girls sports programs, and leveling the playing field for girls. This initiative is proudly supported by adidas and their She Breaks Barriers initiative. Coach Kassie is one of 98 female coaches - which makes up 41.5% of our coachforce - currently serving as an Up2Us Coach nationwide. We are actively working to get to 50% by the 50th Anniversary of Title IX this coming June 23rd.
Kassie was honored alongside eight others by Laureus Sport for Good New Orleans for making a significant difference in the lives of young girls in the city of New Orleans, at the Tulane Women’s Basketball game this past Saturday, January 29th. Scroll below for images of the celebration.
Don’t miss Up2Us Sports’ own Virtual Celebration for National Girls and Women in Sports Day this Wednesday, February 2nd. Click here for details and to register.