Up2Us Sports coaches are leaders in the field of sports-based youth development (SBYD), but they often don't receive the recognition they deserve. Coaches' Corner is our way to show our appreciation for our incredible coaches who make positive change in their communities every day!
This month, we spoke with Camille, a coach at Girls on the Run NYC in Brooklyn, NY.
In honor of LGBTQ+ Pride Month, we spoke with Coach Camille (they/them), an Up2Us Sports Coach at Girls on the Run NYC, in Brooklyn, New York. A native New Yorker, Camille has been serving with Up2Us Sports since February of 2023. Camille loves the outdoors and is passionate about cycling, running, and coaching their athletes. Their sport of choice? Track Cycling.
Camille was brought to their current host site when they saw that Girls on the Run was looking for coaches for the 2023 season. They explained that Girls on the Run was a really good match for them and that they have been doing women’s advocacy and inclusion since they began coaching. In explaining why they came to their host site, they said: “ I like their mission and goal, and have had an excellent time learning more about their curriculum and getting to know the girls that engage in the program.”
“I consider myself a tradeswoman first and a coach second. I competed in nationals for track cycling for the first time last season, and won a national title in the elimination race.”
Coach Camille coaches Track Cycling, which as they explain is their home sport, as well as Crossfit, which entails quite a bit of strength training, gymnastics, and running. A cool fact about Coach Camille? They used to own a bike shop and are certified bicycle technician. When asked about their passion for cycling, they said: “I consider myself a tradeswoman first and a coach second. I competed in nationals for track cycling for the first time last season, and became a New York State champion in the elimination race.”
Outside of competitive cycling, Coach Camille is passionate about creating an inclusive and fun environment for their athletes and is an advocate for athletes who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community. Camille explains that most of the athletes that they work with are part of the LGBTQ+ community. When asked if they identify as being part of the LGBTQ+ community they said:
“I do identify as non-binary. I know that sometimes that comes off as a surprise to people. Something that has struck my interest is how perceptive kids are. The kids pick up on so many little tells that I kind of take for granted. They are very questioning of my gender expression, my identity, and whether or not I am dating boys or dating girls, it's something that they are picking up on, and asking questions about. And in turn, feeling very comfortable bringing to me about their true selves. It has been a very eye-opening experience how perceptive these kids are.”
“ The kids pick up on so many little tells that I kind of take for granted. They are very questioning of my gender expression, my identity, and whether or not I am dating boys or dating girls, it’s something that they are picking up on, and asking questions about. And in turn, feeling very comfortable bringing to me about their true selves. ”
At every turn, Camille has shown how open and inclusive they are towards their athletes, as well as to their fellow coaches. When asked how they create a supporting and inclusive environment for LGBTQ+ athletes they explained:
“For me, the most important part is not avoiding tough questions and conversations. So creating a safe space where we can discuss amongst ourselves our points of view and internal feelings. Sometimes it's tough for me, and I'll get a little ho-headed. On one of our teams, we do have a transgender athlete, a trans boy. Girls on the Run is inclusive to everyone, even if they don’t identify as being a girl, and we had an issue come up where everyone started dogpiling on him and misgendering him. It was a situation that escalated in terms of energy, and I met that energy, and I felt like in my defense of him, I might have embarrassed him a little bit. I circled back with him the next time we had practice, and we had an open and honest conversation about it, and I did not take it personally that he was upset that I was bringing up a conversation in the middle of the season that we had at the beginning of the season.”
As a coach, Camille has had many accomplishments to be proud of. However, their biggest accomplishment is clear:: “My biggest accomplishment as a coach has to be the work that I did last season, which was the WTFNB, which stands for women, trans, fem, and non-binary track development series, called Sunday Brunch. We saw over forty-five individuals who came more than once and tried out the track. It was an amazing experience, and the impact was immediately apparent. After our first and second meet, we saw full fields for the rest of the season. It goes to show if you create an open and inclusive environment, and say you belong here, we need that.”
“It’s those breakthrough moments, it’s when they stop the negative self-talk or group talk, and surrender to the moment, and everything clicks. It is when they realize they only need four more laps to get to a mile, and they are super motivated to push themselves, and to get themselves there.”
Camille is amazing with their athletes and ensures that they make positive growth every time they see them. When asked what they like most about coaching their athletes, they said: “It’s those breakthrough moments, it's when they stop the negative self-talk or group talk, and surrender to the moment, and everything clicks. It is when they realize they only need four more laps to get to a mile, and they are super motivated to push themselves, and to get themselves there.”
As for what’s next for Coach Camille? They will continue to be an inspiration and role model for their young athletes Girls on the Run NYC, representing Up2Us Sports and New York City.
Camille has served as an Up2Us Sports coach at Girls on the Run NYC in Brooklyn, NY. since February 2023 thanks to support from AmeriCorps.