Up2Us Sports coaches are leaders in the field of sports-based youth development (SBYD), but they often don't receive the recognition they deserve. Coaches' Corner is our way to show our appreciation for our incredible coaches who make positive change in their communities every day!
This month we spoke with Jeremiah Pardo a coach at Harold Hunter Foundation in The Bronx, New York.
A native of The Bronx, New York, Jeremiah Pardo is an avid skateboarder with a passion for coaching, as well as riding down the vibrant city streets. Jeremiah joined Up2Us Sports as a coach in March 2023 after being introduced to the Harold Hunter Foundation in The Bronx.
What sport does Jeremiah coach, eat, sleep, and breathe? Skateboarding! With a smile on his face that lights up a room, Jeremiah is a wonderful influence on his fellow coaches and his athletes. When asked, “what are the biggest lessons you have learned as a coach?,” he answered, “being patient is key!”
Throughout his time as a coach, Jeremiah has shown repeatedly how patient and kind he is to his students. With childlike wonder, he goes into every lesson with enthusiasm and love for skateboarding. Whether it be teaching a new trick or coaching a student how to skateboard for the first time, he gives it his all. No obstacle is too big, and scraped knees are seen as a badge of honor. Jeremiah truly follows the vision of the Harold Hunter Foundation, which is creating a world where all people feel safe to be themselves and are empowered to achieve their aspirations and follow their dreams despite the challenges life presents.
“Every time I see my athletes land the tricks they’ve been working on, their reactions make me feel so accomplished.”
When asked, “are there any cool facts about you that you would like to share?,” he replied, “I founded Surface.nyc, a crew of skateboarders from The Bronx that all have unique backgrounds. We skated already together so I just wanted to create a platform where we could promote ourselves. Our Instagram is Instagram.com/surface.nyc.”
Outside of his skateboard crew, Jeremiah has a remarkably busy teaching schedule, and weekly finds new and unique ways to make every lesson stick. When asked, “what does a typical practice look like?,” he answered, “with skateboarding, it is a little different from other physical activities. It is more of an individual thing, but I always love to start off with a good stretch, then really see what each of my athletes want to work on. He continued, “we will have a good skate session together to warm up and get the hype flowing, then I let them work more on what they really want too individually.”
Each lesson Jeremiah gives is geared towards the growth of each individual athlete. Jeremiah knows the strengths of all of his athletes, and has led them to become successful athletes and skateboarders, one lesson at a time. Jeremiah is also keen on making sure that he creates an inclusive and safe environment for all of his students. Jeremiah is wonderful with all of his athletes, and promotes unity and understanding wherever he goes. Each lesson brings with it a new victory, and a new understanding of his students, and their needs. When asked, “as a coach, what do you feel your biggest accomplishment has been?,” he responded, “every time I see my athletes land the tricks they've been working on, their reactions make me feel so accomplished.”
Jeremiah genuinely cares about his athletes and wants them to succeed in everything they do and has sent them down a path of independence and growth. The radiant smiles on the faces of his students say it all. Jeremiah has given his students a nurturing space to be proud of their abilities, and to learn at their own pace. He has also provided a space where individuals, as well as the group, are accepted. Jeremiah has been an outspoken advocate for the LGBTQ+ community, and has worked with LGBTQ+ athletes.
To Jeremiah his students are seen as being his equals - everyone is put on the same level. He always wants to make sure that each athlete is treated equally and puts a stop to bullying before it even begins. All are here to learn how to do a sport that they are enthusiastic about, and that passion creates a positive learning environment. Jeremiah has also made it clear that he likes each and every one of his athletes, and that each individual is both unique and special. Jeremiah strives to make himself a better teacher every time he coaches. When asked, “what do you like most about coaching your athletes?, he replied with, “just seeing their excitement every time they are on their boards keeps me going and also their motivation to grow and learn.”
Jeremiah’s excitement for his students' successes is infectious and makes us all want him as a coach as well as to learn how to skateboard! His excitement is like a beam of sunshine, always warm and helping his students to shine brightly. Through both his teaching and his snowboarding group, Jeremiah has been a tremendously positive influence on his community. When asked, “during your time as a coach, how have you given back to the community?,” he answered, “I remember when I really needed skateboards and shoes. At the time, my parents could not always provide it; things were expensive. So now that I am in the position to give back, I make sure I do it when I can.” Jeremiah, when he is able, provides his students with new equipment needed for skateboarding, including brand new skateboards and sneakers.
“ I remember when I really needed skateboards and shoes. At the time, my parents could not always provide it; things were expensive. So now that I am in the position to give back, I make sure I do it when I can.”
As for what is next for Coach Jeremiah, he will continue to be a shining light as an Up2Us Sports coach. He will continue representing The Bronx and his athletes through his Surface.nyc crew, as well as the Harold Hunter Foundation.
Thank you, Jeremiah, for everything that you do and for being a wonderful coach, athlete, friend, and mentor!
Jeremiah has served as an Up2Us Sports coach at Harold Hunter Foundation in The Bronx, NY since Mrach 2023 thanks to support from AmeriCorps.