Summer VISTA Program Partner Feature: The Boys and Girls Club of America — Up2Us Sports | Playing Sports For Serious Change

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Summer VISTA Program Partner Feature: The Boys and Girls Club of America

National Boys and Girls Club week was June 25th-July 1st. This week honors all of the great work that each club does in communities across the country.

The origin of the Boys and Girls Club is highlighted on their website with the beginning described as, “Boys & Girls Clubs of America had its beginnings in 1860 with three women in Hartford, Connecticut - Mary Goodwin, Alice Goodwin and Elizabeth Hammersley. Believing that boys who roamed the streets should have a positive alternative, they organized the first Club. With character development as the cornerstone of the experience, the Club focused on capturing boys' interests, improving their behavior and increasing their personal expectations and goals. A cause was born.”

In 1906 several Boys Clubs in Boston came together to form the Federated Boys Club which was the first forming of the club. In 1931 they became the Boys Club of America. Then in 1990 The Boys Club of America realized that girls were, and are, a part of the cause. This caused the organization to change to its current name, The Boys and Girls Club of America.

The Boys and Girls Club of America’s Mission

To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.

The Boys and Girls Club of America’s Vision

Provide a world-class Club Experience that assures success is within reach of every young person who enters their doors, with all members on track to graduate from high school with a plan for the future, demonstrating good character and citizenship, and living a healthy lifestyle.

The Boys and Girls Club of America has been affecting kids' lives for 160 years. There kids have a 97% graduation rate and 88% of the kids go on to a post secondary school. 

The club has 6 different programs run for kids of all ages - sports and recreation, education, the arts, health and wellness, workforce readiness, and character and leadership. These programs are offered nationwide and are all different and made for their community. 

Up2Us Sports Summer VISTA Member in Action

Up2Us Sports Summer VISTA Eric Bell of the Boys and Girls Club of Boston has been a part of The Boys and Girls Club since he was six years old. He started as an attendee and later became a camp instructor. Now at 20 years old he is still serving at the club, now as an Up2Us Sports AmeriCorps Summer VISTA. He chose The Boys and Girls Club because he feels a great connection with them and wants to give back to the community. All the alumni that come back and serve make the place even that more special. 

There are Boys and Girls Clubs around the country and can find one near you by visiting their website here.

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