AmeriCorps VISTA members come from all walks of life. Some are newly college graduates looking to gain some work experience. Others are matured professionals looking to switch careers. The bulk of them are in it to volunteer their skills in an effort to reduce economic disparities. For Emily, that is exactly what she was looking to get out of the experience - an opportunity to launch a meaningful career.
As a child she remembers loving after school programs. Emily was involved in piano and ballet starting from age 5 until she graduated high school. “While I was involved in other activities growing up, I stuck with piano and ballet because of the strong relationships I built with my teachers. I think by having those two caring adults in my life I learned how to be compassionate, thoughtful, and patient.” She believes that access to these programs granted her the opportunity to strengthen her creativity and seek challenges later in life. It was only natural that she ended up working at Woodcraft Rangers, an organization that provides youth with after-school programs that provide them with the opportunity to develop new skills, build resiliency, and serve their community.
Prior to starting her year of service at Woodcraft Rangers, Emily had spent her first year out of college providing direct outreach to people experiencing homelessness and as an educator at MOXI, The Wolf Museum of Exploration and Innovation. “Our job was to engage with visitors of all ages in STEAM education and “spark” curiosity and creativity. However, when COVID-19 hit the United States in March, Emily lost her position at MOXI. During the height of the pandemic pandemonium Emily exhibited her resiliency by stepping up to the challenge and providing direct support at a youth crisis shelter in Santa Barbara. Eventually, she would move back home with her family and begin her new position at Woodcraft Rangers as a Program Associate.
For Emily, her service with AmeriCorps VISTA gives her an opportunity to see the backend of the nonprofit sector. By focusing on capacity building, Emily has been able to gain experience in developing outreach strategies, creating surveys, fundraising, data analysis, and navigating conversations regarding social justice. While she finds herself at a crossroads with her next career move, she is grateful for the opportunity to serve her community.
“I am thankful to be a part of this VISTA position with Up2Us and Woodcraft Rangers, because I feel like I am able to use my life experiences towards supporting progress within youth development.”